Welcome To
Each week our children experience cutting edge, creative, & age-appropriate large group worship & Bible teaching as well as relevant small groups that focus on making personal connections & life application of the Bible lesson.
Whether you have nursery, preschool, or elementary-aged children, our teachers and small group leaders love to serve and delight in the development of our children as they learn about Jesus. All of our staff undergo thorough background checks, and we use the Planning Center security system for the protection of each family.
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What we are learning this month
On a farm, life has a daily rhythm (for plants, animals, and people, too). “Life” is what this series is all about, because we’re talking about Easter and Jesus’ triumph over death! In this five-week series, kids will explore the stories leading up to and following Easter Sunday. Together, they’ll discover we can stick with Jesus even when our days are dark, and that because Jesus is alive, we can spend our days meeting with him, trusting he’s there for us, and sharing his love — not just today, but every day!
Memory verse of the month
”He is not here; he has risen!” — Luke 24:6a (NIV)